The more we move
the easier it is to be still
Movement ~ Yoga ~ Mindfulness ~ Nourishment ~ Nature
Welcome to your web home for all things inspiring movement based in San Luis Obispo, California! Thank you for being here and for doing your part to MOVE, which improves your life, the lives of everyone you interact with, and the greater world. Frequent, life-enhancing, soul-affirming MOVEment is the basis for a good life. Yet, sometimes busy gets in the way. Busy minds, busy bodies, busy life. Whether it’s a pandemic today or a demanding job tomorrow, school life chaos today or baby phase tomorrow, finding ways to keep moving is critical to making the most of this one life. Explore away for ideas, resources, and inspiration.
Roxy Borger is dedicated to helping people move body, heart, and soul. Roxy is a certified Yoga, Barre, and Wilderness Guide and has been teaching and leading groups towards more presence, joy, and aliveness since 2000. Her sessions are calm, grounded, fun, juicy and include lots of down-to-earth, silly karaoke moments.
Roxy is a Serial Wellpreneur, Data Driven Consultant, & Passionate Educator for the Health, Wellness, and Fitness Industries through her work with Fit Biz Rox.
Roxy’s been active and moving since she was a kid running around with her neighborhood crew, through cheerleading in high school, aerobics in college, spinning, gym life, and bike touring after. Yoga was Roxy’s first, deep movement love starting around 2001. She’s dabbled in most yoga styles and can find something to love about most. She has studied Iyengar, Power Vinyasa Yoga with Baron Baptiste, Prana Flow Yoga with Shiva Rea, Mindfulness Hiking & Gestalt with Steven Harper and has been trying a variety of teachers and modalities online and in Big Sur, CA, more recently.
Roxy has logged thousands of hours teaching group yoga, barre, fitness classes, workshops, teacher trainings in and around San Luis Obispo, CA and hundreds of business workshops all over the world.
Roxy owned and operated a sweet yoga and wellness studio called Smiling Dog in San Luis Obispo, CA from 2011-2016 and credits that experience for teaching her so much about the yoga of living and business.
Roxy began her love affair with technology & the businesses side of wellness when she started working with MINDBODY in 2005. She has spent much of the last 20+ years working with thousands of studio leaders through Fit Biz Rox Consulting.
Roxy is currently focusing on learning, sharing, and connecting with that which cultivates presence in world and leading in person yoga, movement, wilderness, and business experiences whenever possible. She loves applying her math brain to the world of wellness. Other loves? Dancing, reading, hiking, nature, bicycles, cooking, spreadsheets, good, soulful conversations, and using her hand as a map whenever possible. THANK YOU for making it to the end of this epic bio. Please do connect if you feel compelled - for advice or private teaching inquires.
Roxy’s Favorite Things
What People Are Saying
“I love your barre + yoga classes but my favorite class included the mimosas at our ladies weekend! I appreciate the way you make me feel safe and talk about real life bodies, ailments and all.”
“Roxy’s flow yoga classes were strong and deliberately paced. They were a great stretch and workout. In tone, not as frilly, feminine, or spiritual as many yoga classes (to their benefit). The tone was honest, tough, and honestly inspiring.”
“My strong glutes thank you!”
“Your yoga classes have greatly helped my pain and mobility in my shoulder - which has been a chronic issue for me. Thank you!”
Movement Classes I specialize In:
Circuit Training
Mindfulness & Meditation
Teacher Trainings