Walking is the most accessible and natural form of movement available to us humans. Lets go on a walking date.
Hit the Trails
The simplest things are often the best for us. Walking is one of the first things we learn to do as babies and it’s something we yearn to do whenever we can’t. It’s something you can do with your kids, your grandparents, at most sizes and abilities. It’s benefits are numerous. Walking builds stronger muscles and bones because it’s a weight bearing activity and your body has to work harder against gravity. Walking improves your sense of balance. Walking improves your heart health. It decreases the risk of certain respiratory problems. It improves sleep quality. It boosts happiness and combats depression.
Join me at an upcoming hike date in and around San Luis Obispo. Here are some options:
I post hiking dates on social media
I sometimes host hiking retreats
I love the AllTrails app for finding new trails
Walk anywhere, anytime! Can you take that meeting on the road with earphones? Can you walk for an errand?
I’m available for private led hikes in and around San Luis Obispo on by request basis. Email slowmovesrox@gmail.com for more information.
Read more on my blog for ideas and ways to enjoy our most natural form of movement.