Tips For Hospital Stays
After a surprise ten day hospital stay and some of the most scary, painful, difficult days of my life, here are some practical tips for anyone going through a surprise hospital stay or medical emergency. I'm sorry for anyone going through pain and hope just one of these little things gives you a moment of peace through your challenging time.
My Favorite Helpers
Lavender face wipes. I picked up this habit traveling for work, but these little gems give me the ability for a little self care and aromatherapy. Once a day I'd try to brush my teeth and wash my face and body with these lovely scented wipes and I swear I felt just a little more human. I loved these during my childbirth stay and medical emergency visit.
Throat lozenges. Dehydration, tubes, stress, needles caused my throat to be on fire. Oh, and I wasn't allowed any fluid or food most of my hospital stay. My roommate gave me one of those ricola lozenges and it saved my throat pain.
Meditate and Deep Breath. The reality is that you probably can't change much about your situation. Feeling pissed, angry, sad, or scared about your situation is normal. Yet, I'm not sure staying in those mental spaces indefinitely is helpful for healing. I found taking 3 deep breaths sporadically throughout my stay to be very helpful in helping me reset, reframe, and calm down. I often noticed the tension I was holding. Our bodies need breath to heal and don't forget it. Also, this can be done literally anywhere, anytime, with whatever broken body you’ve got. The Headspace app and Insight Timer App are great resources to help with longer meditations if you are up for it. Spotify or Apple Music also have great Calming and Meditation playlists.
Walk. It helps everything, your breath, your mind, your body. Walk those hospital hallways or where ever your medical team offers. Do it as much as you can.
Take notes. The doctors often only stop by once or twice a day. Make a list of comments, questions, need to knows. It helps you focus and remember and keep your eye on the prize of healing and getting home. It helps if you are engaged and empowered in your medical care. If you can get someone to be your advocate and representative, that is ideal, but you should also keep aware and involved as much as you can.
Sleep. As much as possible.
Ways to Support A Loved One During a Hospital Stay
My Hospital Gifts Were Lovely
Beauty. Flowers, potted plants, or a card with kind thoughts or pretty pictures. It’s cliche and of course depends on the personality of your loved one, but sending love in these ways helps. Hospital rooms aren't pretty or comfortable and flowers are just nice to look at. Or something in this vein. My daughter drew me a picture on a card and I loved looking at it when I was down.
Messages of love without a request for response and prayers. I was too weak, tired, and in pain to give much attention to my phone or social media. I most appreciated those people who reached out without expectation of response.
Meal Delivery. Door Dash or any similar meal delivery app. You could also drop off home cooked food. Food is love.
Baby or pet sitting. Offers that were more specific in this vein were more helpful for my family. “I can pick Lucy up for a park date for an hour or I can come over and play with baby while you try to cook.”
Nurses DO Rock!
Be wise with your words. A little silence is sometimes ok. You can show how you care in so many little ways that don't require energy from impacted family. Please be conservative with your offers, words, and communications.
Written from my hospital bed on day 9 of my recent health scare.